How to know when the stoma is infected?


How To Know When The Stoma Is Infected?

This is a very common question across most of the tube feeding Facebook pages that I have joined; it can be a source of worry for a lot of parents.

These are a couple of signs that your stoma could be infected:

  • Fever is generally a pretty good sign of infection, especially when accompanied by the following:
  • A red angry stoma site.
  • Redness or inflammation that seems to be spreading from the stoma site.
  • A weeping pus-filled stoma site that has a foul smell.
  • Sensitivity or pain when touching the stoma site.

If the site is causing your child any pain at all, it is worth getting it checked out by your stoma sister or doctor as the feeding tube should not be a source of pain.

An infection can be treated very easily at home with antibiotics and if it’s mild an antibiotic cream might even be prescribed.

Hello! I’m Jess. Any questions?

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