How to Remove a feeding tube?


How To Remove A Feeding Tube?

Removing a feeding tube is a very simple procedure that can be done at home.

The first step is to make sure you have the go-ahead from your medical team, be sure to have your whole medical team on board. It is really important to be sure that your little one is able to eat and drink sufficiently without their tube.

The recommendation is to keep the tube in for at least 3 months without using the tube. This means all food, drinks and medication must be taken orally and your child should continue to gain weight sufficiently for a minimum of 3 months before the tube is removed.

Once your medical team gives you the go-ahead, it is as simple as deflating the balloon, removing the tube, cleaning the site with salt water and covering it with a plaster. The wound site will continue to leak for a day or two, but then the site should close on its own without surgical intervention.

In some cases, you can expect minimal leakage to continue for up to 2 weeks.  If the site continues to leak excessively after 2 weeks, consult your stoma sister or doctor for further steps to ensure the stoma has in fact closed adequately.

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